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• Agriculture Processing - Mr. Franken • The students in the sophomore level class recently finished making deer antler mounts to finish up our wildlife unit and have moved into learning the ins and outs of milk production. The students will study how milk is used to make dairy products like ice cream and cheese. At the end of the year the students will go through a unit on meat processing. • • Ag III - Mr. Franken • This semester the students in the Ag III class will be covering animal science curriculum. They are currently going over the digestive system and nutrition of livestock. The students are evaluating different feedstuffs for livestock. The students will then learn about animal reproduction and health. • • Ag IV - Mr. Franken • The students are beginning to develop their own farm. They look at the different management practices that farmers and ranchers use everyday. They are busy calculating the cost to produce the various commodities on their farms. Some of the students are including value added products in their farm situation as a way of earning more money. • • Horticulture - Mr. Franken • The students are getting anxious to get out into the greenhouse. We have discussed how to use a greenhouse and are now going over some business skills. The students are going to set up and manage the greenhouse like an actual business. We will be getting out there shortly to begin planting so we can watch the different stages of growth of a plant. • • FFA - Mr. Franken • This week is currently FFA week! However, the weather has taken its toll on our planned activities. The FFA had an animal nursery planned for Tuesday, but with the cold weather and late start, decided to postpone it until another time. On Thursday, some of the students drove tractors to school and then showcased them at the elementary as the members presented safety demonstrations to some of the classes. On Friday we will show our appreciation to the teachers by serving them a breakfast in the morning. We are also gearing up for our CDE events. The students are practicing after school to get ready to represent Groton FFA at the State Convention in April.
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