Saturday, March 9, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 233 • 23 of 53 • Other Editions
Welke's Legislative Report
• The 2013 Legislative Session has recessed until March 25 when legislators will come together to consider any legislation which may be vetoed by the Governor. This final week of regular Session was consumed with concurrence or conference committees on certain pieces of legislation when the House and Senate needed to iron out differences between the two bodies. Appropriators had a busy week as final revenue projections were adopted and the final determinations of expenditures were determined. Over 70 different amendments were made to the General Funding Bill and each had to get an "Aye" or "Nay" from Appropriators before the final budget could be adopted. • Criminal Justice Initiative- • The first part of the Sessionwas dominated by discussions
Chuck Welke
of the Criminal Justice Initiative. The law has already been signed and we hope that this will unfold as predicted to work towards rehabilitation rather than incarceration. • Economic Development- • What could be described as the People's Economic Development Bill took the form of Senate Bill 235 and passed by wide margins in both the House and Senate. When the people spoke in last November's election and defeated HB 1230 in the form of Referred Item 14, a determined group of legislative leaders collaborated to