(Continued from page 20)
• Grasp/OST - Rose Long • During GRASP, students have been participating in a variety of activities that help develop different skills they will need later on in life. Some of the activities and skills we have been working on include: • • Cooking- We have made Almond Bark Pretzels, Indoor Smores, and Sugar Cookies. All of which helped the students learn about making sure you correctly measure the right amount of ingredients. • • Collaborative Skills- We have been playing different games like Basketball Pass Relay, Capture the Flag, or Sleeping Lion where the students have learned that if you work together, you can accomplish your goal. • • Fine Motor Skills- We have been doing different crafts like the Berry Best Award, Christmas Countdown, and Colored Macaroni that help the students develop their fine motor and coordination skills. • These are just some of the skills we have been working on while having fun at GRASP. • After the first of the year, the students have had the chance to provide snack for a day if they would like to. This has been going very well so far. Some of the students have brought Graham Crackers, Cheese and Crackers, Ice Cream, Pudding, and Pizza Rolls. The students have been really excited about having this chance to be a bigger part of GRASP by providing snack for their friends. Every day someone asks me "Who provided snack today?" When they ask and I tell them, I can see their face light up when they find out who it was and that makes me happy along with the student who brought the snack. • The GRASP Program will be selling Almond Bark Pretzels with Sprinkles the week of March 18th during school hours. The cost will be 3 for a $1.00. You will be able to pre-order the weeks of March 4th and March 11th. More Information to come regarding location and times.