SD gov approves longer abortion wait in some cases
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed a bill extending in some cases what is already the nation's longest waiting period for a woman to receive an abortion. • Daugaard announced that he signed the legislation on Friday. • Women seeking abortions in South Dakota currently must wait three days after seeing an abortion clinic doctor before they can have the procedure. The bill makes it so weekends and holidays do not count in calculating the three-day waiting period. • Supporters say the change ensures women have time to receive required counseling at pregnancy help centers, which discourage abortions. • Opponents say the measure could hamper many women seeking abortions. •
SD gov signs bill allowing teachers to be armed
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed a bill allowing the state's school districts to arm teachers and other personnel with guns. • Supporters say the so-called sentinels could help prevent tragedies such as the Connecticut school shooting in December. • Representatives of school boards, school administrators and teachers opposed the bill, saying it could make schools more dangerous, lead to accidental shootings and put guns in the hands of people who are not adequately trained to shoot in emergency situations. • Supporters say the bill does not force a district to arm its teachers and would not force teachers to carry a gun. • Under the measure, local law enforcement agencies would have to approve a school's sentinel program. •
Judge halts Missouri River water project in ND BLAKE NICHOLSON,The Associated Press
• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- A federal judge has halted pipeline construction on a long-delayed project to supply growing northwestern North Dakota communities with water from the Missouri River, prompting project leaders to begin exploring another potential water source.
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