• "Life is Good" are the words beneath a happy face on a T-shirt. The moon-shaped circle with two slashes and a curvy mouth always seem to remind us of the importance of having fun and locking up moments of pleasure. We want to believe that "Life is Good!" • But is it? And when it isn't, what are we to do? • Imagine a day that begins with a beautiful sunrise and soon after breakfast dark clouds filled with dreadful news bring some of life's realities into sharp focus. Imagine a conversation with God that goes something like this: "You know, God, I do trust You and believe that You are concerned about me but that phone call informed me that I lost my job." Or "My daughter has just confessed to being addicted to crack cocaine." Or "My son got his girlfriend pregnant and they are juniors in high school." Or "God my spouse left me for someone else!" Life happens. It did to David. It does to us. • God was his "rock," his "strong fortress" and his "refuge." Suddenly, life changed. He was "afflicted," in "anguish" and about to be "ensnared by a trap that was set" for him by his friends. His "eyes and bones were weak," he was a "dread to his friends" and his "name was being slandered." Where's your God, David? • Give up? No. He challenged the goodness of God and reminded Him that "I trust in You, O Lord. You are my God. Deliver me!" And God did. David challenges us to "Love the Lord because the Lord preserves the faithful. Be strong, take heart, and hope in the Lord!" • Prayer: Lord, give us a faith to exceed the obstacles of life that challenge Your goodness, greatness and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 31:14 But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God."