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• • 8. WHAT FOOD SUPPLY IS THREATENED IN JAPAN • The country consumes about 80 percent of the world's Bluefin tuna, and stocks have plummeted by about three-quarters over the last 15 years. • • 9. VEGAS CASINOS FOLD ON POKER ROOMS • Eight rooms have closed in the past two years, as a crackdown on Internet gambling weakens the game's appeal. • • 10. A HANDS-FREE SMART DEVICE FOR YOUR WRIST • Smart watches can display texts, email, scan Twitter and also tell time. •
• AP News in Brief Benedict XVI begins quiet, final day as pope before flying off into retirement
• VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Benedict XVI is beginning a quiet final day as pontiff, meeting with his cardinals before flying off into retirement. • No major speech is expected during his morning farewell Thursday with his closest advisers, just a simple greeting to each one inside the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace. • Shortly before 5 p.m., Benedict will leave the palace for the last time as pope, head to the helipad on the top of the hill in the Vatican gardens and fly by helicopter to the papal retreat at Castel Gandolfo south of Rome. • And there, at 8 p.m. -- the exact moment Benedict's resignation goes into effect -- the doors of the palazzo will close and the Swiss Guards in attendance will go off duty, their service protecting the pope now finished. • ___ • POPE LIVE: Ready for departure, final meetings for Pope Benedict XVI before retirement • "Pope Live" follows the events of the final day of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy as seen by journalists from The Associated Press around the world. It will be updated throughout the day with breaking news and other items of interest. • ___ • LAST TASKS • The big speeches are done. It's almost time to go.
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