Claremont Recorder By Beverly Patterson
• Here we are, almost ready to turn the calendar another page, inching us that much closer to Spring! I don't know about you but I found the weekend weather quite delightful and if you were looking out the window about the same time as I was on Monday morning you saw what appeared to be glitter falling out of the sky. What a beautiful sight, breathtaking really. It's just one of those unexpected surprises that makes me feel good all over! • Yvonne Gibbs spent the last two weeks of January on vacation with Jerald Applebee and John and Jeanne Applebee. They traveled to Laughlin, Nevada. The weather was perfect and they enjoyed good musical entertainment with plenty of dancing. • Yvonne is proud to announce the arrival of another great grandchild. Ryan and Lauren Olerud became parents of Annie Elaine February 15th. Her maternal grandparents are Tim and Heidi Steffensen. Annie is Ryan and Lauren's first child. She weighed 7lbs. The couple and their new little bundle reside in Watertown. On Saturday, February 16th Yvonne and Lisa Waletich traveled there to meet Annie. They also enjoyed lunch with Heidi and Sabrina Steffensen and Patti Bailey. Turns out Andrew, Sara, Carson and Ellie Steffensen from Canton were in town as well so they were all able to get together for a small family reunion. • Becky Wegleitner, Andrea Engelmann and I enjoyed a treat at the Orange Leaf (Continued on page 3)