• Being troubled or lonely or afflicted or distressed or having a broken heart or in a state of anguish will take the joy out of life. But to have them all happening at the same time? That seems unreal and unfair. Yet, that is how David described himself in Psalm 25. • However, he did not remain in that hopeless condition. He looked to God for healing, asking Him to look on his affliction and pain and to forgive all of his sins. He knew God's grace and had enjoyed His mercy and now wanted to be restored to the joy of his salvation. He experienced the consequences of his sin and wanted God's forgiveness and deliverance. • One of the greatest blessings of prayer is to have the peace that comes from emotional healing. The pain that David was feeling was emotional pain and he needed inner healing - perhaps the healing of memories from the times he acted selfishly using and abusing others. No doubt he needed forgiveness for the sins he committed that tormented and troubled his mind. He certainly needed release from guilt that burdened his heart and caused him distress. His need for healing was intense, locked in his heart and troubling his mind. He wanted to move beyond his pain and enjoy the peace he knew that only God could give him. He felt estranged from God because of his sins. • So he asked God to forgive all of his sins. He wanted to be released from his past so he could move into the present and live in complete peace with God. • Prayer: Help us, Heavenly Father, to come to You for Your love and forgiveness, salvation and peace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 25:16 Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me, For I am desolate and afflicted. •