two brightest stars to locate these bright Gemini stars. Draw an imaginary line from the Orion star Rigel through the Orion star Betelgeuse to star-hop to Castor and Pollux. Try this trick tonight. Then try it again on a dark, moonless night. • n mythology, Castor and Pollux are often portrayed as Twins. However, these two stars are not physically related but reside along the same line of sight by happenstance. Pollux, the brighter star, lies about 34 light-years distant, whereas Castor lodges 52 light-years away. • Moreover, Castor and Pollux are different types of stars. Castor's white color indicates a hot, youthful star. Pollux's orange complexion tells us that it's a cool and oldish star. On this moonlit night, you may need binoculars to discern stellar color. • Starting at nightfall this Thursday night, you can watch the moon, Castor and Pollux sailing westward across the sky together nearly all night long! •