• The endless questions of growing children often become boring and frustrating. There are times when no answer will do and no explanation is ever sufficient. The child persists, refuses to be satisfied with our best answers and the questions never stop. • Perhaps David had times in his life, as we all do, when it seemed as though his "King" would not answer his questions. It seemed as though the Lord stood far beyond and above him, unavailable and unable to answer his questions. So, what did David do? He thought that he understood Him, did what he knew He expected of him to the best of his ability. Yet we see him standing there in wonder - wanting and waiting to hear a voice and unable to bear the silence. • What was his problem? And do we have this same problem today? Perhaps. • Instant gratification and sudden success do not breed faith in God. But patient expectation and utter dependence on Him does. Perhaps our "fast-food-lanes" and "any-time-bank-tellers" have eroded the importance of waiting and watching and wondering. Deep within us we believe that He will answer our prayers and meet our needs. We know that His power is beyond our imagination. David realized this, too. • David had an intimate knowledge of God and knew Him personally. Yet, he asked the who question twice as though His power was not available. But it was! God wanted David to wait and trust and grow. • Prayer: We know, Lord, that Your power is more than sufficient to meet our needs. Increase our faith and trust. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. • •