Claremont Recorder By Beverly Patterson
• Winter has really decided to spice things up now hasn't it? I have heard so many people say how tired they are of moving snow and I can't say I blame them. It is a seemingly endless job at times. I guess the best thing we can do is maintain an optimistic attitude and hang in there as we know that Spring is on it's way. In the past few weeks there have been days it was warm enough to melt the snow on our store's metal roof causing it to slide, ever so slowly to the edge and then break away, sending it sailing to the ground. We tried to keep up with it once we realized it was happening but there were at least two customers that have much better luck than they realize as the impending avalanches missed them by a mere second or two. I had to wonder how having a blast of sloppy wet snow land on your head unexpectedly would feel. Think it would shave a few years off? I'm quite sure it would derail your train of thought for a bit. The winter is not over and the possibility of having this happen to me are pretty good so stay tuned. I'll give you an update when one becomes available. • Billy and Corrine VanderVorst are happy to announce the arrival of their new Great Granddaughter. Their Granddaughter, Dr.Arin and Lucas Buresch of Mineola NY welcomed their first child earlier this month. Her name is Allison Marie. Her Grandparents are Byron VanderVorst of San Diego and LeAnn Knopp of Iowa. • The Cheerful Chimes Extension Club met at the United Methodist Church on Wednesday February 13. Mary Cutler presented two interesting quizzes. One was about love and the other was about presidents. Prizes were awarded and lunch was served by hostess, Janet Neff. There were six members present. • On Wednesday, February 13th, Marie Patterson and I traveled to Aberdeen for a bit of shopping, to Groton for an appointment and then on to Webster to check out the Dakotah Factory Outlet Store. We enjoyed a delicious supper at the A&W before returning home. • Friday night February 15th Don and Becky Wegleitner hosted an Indian Taco supper. Guests attending were April Wegleitner, Kyle, Tonya and Colt Hansen, Jr Patterson, Beverly Patterson and Don Schatz. The food was fabulous and Colt kept us entertained with his whimsical and incredibly pleasant nature. It was a very enjoyable evening for all. • On Saturday Don (Schatz) and I took off for a day of shopping in Aberdeen. We attended the coin and collectible show at the Eagles, checked out a few stores and then enjoyed supper at Mazatlan. Once back in Claremont we stopped in at Don (Continued on page 20)