Thursday, February 14, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 210 • 2 of 40 • Other Editions
Transit Public Notice
• Under the Department of Transportation Capital Assistance Grant Programs and/or Special Transportation, Groton Community Transit, Inc. presents the intent to purchase a handicap vehicle. The proposed vehicle, a van type with ramp will help expand the services for transportation for the general public and special transportation for elderly persons and/or person's with disabilities. • This notice offers the opportunity to comment on this proposal or to make a proposal that would provide the necessary service by sending a written notice to Groton Community Transit, Inc., Box 693, Groton SD, 57445. Written notice should be mailed no later than thirty (30) days following the publication of this notice. • Published once at the total approximate cost of $8.45.
The recycling trailer is in Groton. It is located at the city shop at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.
2013 Groton Area Elementary
Kindergarten Screening
Feb. 25 - March 1
Parents of children ages 3-6 not yet attending school are asked to contact Heidi Krueger at the Groton Area Elementary School during school hours at 397-2317 to set up a screening time.
Kindergarten Screening will take place at the Groton Area High School Gymnasium. Please park and use the east entrance to the gym.