(Continued from page 10)
• Based on feedback I have received, as well as the testimony presented, I have no doubt that there is a lot of confusion and misinformation about the bill. The public campaign to kill HB 1135 has been extensive, and I do not think it will pass. However, I believe the proponents have built a strong case about the importance of their private interests. So, although I am not the one who was "really pushing" this legislation, I have become increasingly convinced that the proponents have a compelling interest in seeking legislative action. If this matter fails this year, I do hope the folks actively opposing/supporting the bill will be able to find some sort of "middle ground" soon because this is an issue that is not going away any time soon. It represents a fundamental debate about public/private interests. • Seldom have I chosen to write solely about one issue in my weekly update, but because of the importance of the subject matter in HB 1135, as well as the misinformation about everything from what the bill seeks to do to whether I am "really pushing" it, I feel it is important to give it extensive attention. • Stay tuned! Next week, I'll discuss a number of bills. I'll try to spice things up a bit with pithy, thought-provoking commentary! God bless!