Tuesday, February 12, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 208 • 4 of 37 • Other Editions
The Sunday Aberdeen American News arrived in Groton Monday morning. The Monday edition had not yet gone off to press by the time the hauler left Aberdeen. Monday's and Tuesday's editions were delivered Tuesday morning. Pictured here is Julianna Kosel climbing a snow bank delivering papers to Eddy Nehls and Clare Brotherton. (Photo #4690 by Tina Kosel)
The Groton Area Fire and Rescue Squad would like to remind residents that if you leave near a fire hydrant it would be appreciated if you could dig them out. Due to the recent heavy snows and plowing many hydrants are buried under large piles of snow. We have locations of hydrants for all calls but if they require us to dig them out upon arrival it delays our response to fires, thus resulting in greater risk to those involved. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Heavy duty equipment was required to move snow at the Groton Elementary School. (Photo #4696 by Paul Kosel)