Monday,  February 11, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 207 • 3 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

• I did a comparison of snow from this storm to the previous storm. The first storm where we got a foot of snow yielded only .61 of moisture. This storm, with a foot of snow, had 1.12 inches of moisture.
• Did you know the storm has a name? It's Orko. They started naming winter storms this season. Nemo just hit the east coast dropping up to three feet of snow. I guess Orko ran a little short of that.
• Since I had no Aberdeen papers to deliver Sunday morning, it was nice to get my daily out at a little after 5 a.m. and then I went back to bed. It appears a repeat will be done Monday morning. I talked with the guy who brings our papers to Groton and he said the guy who went towards Leola Sunday morning ended up in the ditch. I guess when the state officials say "No Non-Emergency Travel," they mean it.

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The recycling trailer is in Groton. It is located at the city shop at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.

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