things about me are my "love handles," which is why I have spent so much energy developing them over the years. You think somebody would appreciate them. • For some people, romance is an easy, if not natural thing. Others, like me, find it complicated and elusive. It is not that men are less romantic than women are; they just have different ideas of romance. • For most women, romance is flowers and candy in heart shaped boxes. • For men it is a Big Mac with fries and a soda ... and SUPER SIZE it, please. • Why are women so complicated and men so simple? I do not think that came out the way I meant it. • If it were not for women, romance would have died a long time ago. There is nothing quite like springtime with a hint of romance in the air with a delicate dash of chivalry. • People from Hollywood try to define romance for us, but their idea of romance is raw sex and lurid lust. Hollywooders would not know romance if it nibbled on their ears. Romance is not a fling in the spring, but a lifelong relationship, experiencing all the ups and downs of life -- together -- and no growing apart!
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