Saturday, February 9, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 205 • 2 of 34 • Other Editions
Legislative News by Chuck Welke
• We have now completed the fifth week (20th day) of the 2013 SD Legislative Session. The days are getting longer and the pace is quickening as we approach cross-over day, which is when all bills must be out of their house of origin. • I serve on Senate Local Government, Taxation, and Retirement Law. The bill that has brought the most debate for us has been SB 179 which is a bill to put some restrictions on drain tiling and to try to unify the process throughout the state. I have received much input via emails, phone calls, and personal visits. It is a bill that came from one of the members of the task force that studied the issue this past year. It is my opinion that it this bill is premature and that more time is needed for the study to be completed. They did not have their December meeting as it was cancelled due to the weather and road conditions. We will have a two hour hearing on the issue this week
Chuck Welke
in Senate Local Government. That session is scheduled for 7:45 a.m. on Wednesday, February 13th. • Education base funding for public schools continues to be a top priority. Unfortunately, that important issue typically awaits the very end of the legislators'
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2013 Groton Area Elementary
Kindergarten Screening
Feb. 25 - March 1
Parents of children ages 3-6 not yet attending school are asked to contact Heidi Krueger at the Groton Area Elementary School during school hours at 397-2317 to set up a screening time.
Kindergarten Screening will take place at the Groton Area High School Gymnasium. Please park and use the east entrance to the gym.