• Yahweh is my Shepherd are the first words of Psalm 23. These words announce the protection and provisions of a personal God. The emphasis is on the fact that Yahweh - the Creator of the universe - recognizes me as an individual and wants me to speak His name and call on Him for my deepest and most personal needs. • Often when we worship we speak of our God. And He is indeed our God. We come together as believers to worship and praise Him. But David, who once was a lonely shepherd watching his flock, wants us to know that this Shepherd takes a personal interest in the individual needs of each sheep in His flock. Sheep are, perhaps, the most dependent of all animals and cannot survive without the care and constant attention of the shepherd. If any of his sheep have any need at any time, the shepherd is available, night or day, ready and able to meet every and any need of his sheep. • We all know that sheep are entirely dependent on the shepherd for all of their needs. They cannot survive very long without him or they would perish. • Most of us would not choose to be dependent on anyone as a sheep is to their shepherd. But Yahweh, the Creator of life and source of love, wants us to depend on Him as a sheep does its shepherd. Why? It's really very simple: If we depend on Him to meet our every need we will know that our faith is in Him - not ourselves. • Prayer: Help us, Father, to look to You and trust in You to meet our every need in life. May we recognize how blest we are to have You as our personal Shepherd. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.