of your little finger at an arm's length. • It won't be easy to catch the evening couple, but you can see them if you look in the right place at the right time. At mid-northern latitudes, Mercury and Mars set in the west about 70 minutes after sunset. At more southerly latitudes, Mercury and Mars set even sooner after the sun. • Setting times for the sun and planets in your sky • To have any chance of spotting the planetary pair, you'll need an unobstructed western horizon and a clear sky. If you can't see them, try using binoculars to see them cuddling up together near the sunset point on the horizon. Seek them less than one hour after sunset. Mercury is the brighter of these two worlds, shining a good seven times more brilliantly than Mars. Just remember, when you see these objects in a twilight sky like this, their brightness to your eye depends in part on the brightness of the sky background behind them. • After today, Mars will be sinking into the glare of sunset while Mercury will be climbing upward. Mercury will reach its greatest elongation from the setting sun on February 16. • As darkness falls, look also for the planet Jupiter, the brightest star-like object in the evening sky. It'll serve as a great consolation prize, should you miss Mercury and Mars! • Catch young moon and Mercury after sunset March 11 • Bottom line: The planets Mars and Mercury have been near each other in the western twilight sky this week. They are in conjunction on February 8, 2013. Look for them shortly after sunset!