Claremont Recorder By Beverly Patterson
• Well here it is, February already! This winter is just zooming by! Before we know it, Spring will be here. Good old Phil didn't see his shadow which gives us even more reason to start planning for the balmy weather ahead! Okay, back to reality for just a minute. I hadn't been warming my car up in the mornings as long as I probably should have and it decided to retaliate last Friday. I met some friends for supper and while waiting for a few of them to arrive I sat in my car and continued to let it run so it had a chance to get nice and warm. Once my friends arrived I shut it off and opened the door and all of a sudden my alarm went off. I managed to get it to shut up but it then proceeded to go off again and again and again. During the third or fourth time it went bananas my sister said that maybe I should try starting the car, which I did, but it was completely dead. None of the lights worked and it wouldn't start, only the alarm would work, so once I managed to stifle the ridiculous honking for the fourth time, I simply walked away. A few minutes later I needed to (Continued on page 4)