• JoAnn was watching her grandfather mulch the soil around his smiling pansies. "PaPa," she asked, "may I please have the yellow one with a purple face?" "Of course, my dear," he said, handing her a flower with a stem that was once near the center of the plant. • After carefully examining its intricate details she said, "Here, now take it back and put it where it was." • "I can't do that, my dear," he replied. "It came from the heart of the plant and there is no way to put it back." • Words are like that pansy. They come from the heart. Whatever we say or whatever anyone else says comes from the heart and words once spoken can never be returned to their source. Our words either help or harm, do good or cause damage, build up or tear down, bring out the best in people or make them fearful to act. • How wise of David to want his words and thoughts to be pleasing to God. God wants us to love Him, worship Him, serve Him and please Him. But if we do not know Him we will never be able to honor Him. And we cannot know Him unless we study His Word and allow its message to penetrate our minds. • Then, as we think Godly thoughts we will speak Godly words and do Godly deeds that come from Godly hearts and our lives will be pleasing to Him. Whatever is in our heart will eventually come out in our lives! • Prayer: We ask, Father, for hearts that are filled with Your Word and lives that are pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. •