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for operations ($5.7 million of its funding from the federal government; $3.8 million from the State General Fund; and $6.7 million from Other Sources). These other sources are primarily check off dollars for commodity education and promotion programs. Each and every producer in South Dakota who pays a check off fee contributes to the work of promoting our agriculture commodities. One of the goals the Department of Ag will continue to focus on is increased livestock production in SD. Those of you interested in hearing more on this topic should consider attending one SD Dept. of Ag's meetings, "Next Generation of Livestock Production." These Forums are held in conjunction with SDSU. The one closest to our area is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 4 at 6:30 pm at Hub City Livestock in Aberdeen. • Today I voted in favor of HB1049 which will transfer an agriculture development sub fund from the Governor's Office of Economic Development to the SD Dept. of Ag. This was an important change requested from the Governor's Office. We need to do our best to put the tools of economic development closest to those who understand the area to be developed-in this case agriculture. • Many of the District 1 voters have asked me about HB1087, the so-called Senti (Continued on page 4)