Sunday, February 3, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 199 • 5 of 44 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 4)
12 team fouls, had 16 assists and eight turnovers with seven being steals - two each by Lewandowski and Dohman. • Warner won the junior varsity game, 28-16, leading at the quarterstops at 10-3, 18-7 and 26-9.
• Marlee Jones led Groton with four points followed by Natalia Dohman and Audrey Wanner with three each and
(Continued on page 6)
Carly Wheeting puts up this shot in front of Warner's Carly Rozell. (Photo #4542 by Paul Kosel)
Camille Sippel puts up this shot as she penetrates the Warner defense. (Photo #4527 by Paul Kosel)