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"learning style" of students. Common Core testing puts more emphasis on how a student learns and how a student explains his or her answer rather than just getting the right answer. • We appropriated $8.5 million last year for Common Core training over a four year period. To date, DOE has trained 3,500 teachers, and 138 counselors and administrators. DOE plans to get all teachers trained over the next three years. • In Yankton we are finally going to demolish several old buildings at the Human Services Center that have been vacant for over 25 years. Some of the buildings are 100 years old. They are empty because of the change in philosophy in the treatment and housing of mentally disabled patients, to one that attempts to provide for those individuals in smaller programs closer to home. A few of the buildings will be preserved. It is a $6 million project that has been on the back burner for many years. • Monday and Tuesday we heard from the Board of Regents. The state employee health insurance plan has gotten itself into a pickle and now needs $20 million ASAP. That issue is going to increase student tuition by 5% next year unless the legislature coughs up at least $3 million to cover more of the universities' cost. I am hoping we can do that. It's amazing to hear about the research efforts underway at all of our campuses. We are having continuing difficulties in retaining and attracting faculty because our salaries average much less than competing industries and state schools around us. I've had the opportunity to tour most of our campuses, and we are doing a great job of preserving at least a few of our older buildings there and maintaining attractive campuses. • You may contact me via e-mail at the state legislative address. I'm at Rep.Wismer@state.sd.us, and phone 605/237-3086. I welcome any input you have on the issues! Thanks for trusting me to represent you in Pierre.