Monday, January 28, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 193 • 3 of 50 • Other Editions
2012 Silver Skates Queen Alexa Schuring crowned the 2013 Silver Skates Queen, Cheyenne Schaller. (Photo #3742 by Paul Kosel)
The queen candidates pulled the sled with the 1960 King and Queen aboard. They are Lee Schinkel, Aberdeen, and Corinne Foss Sharp, Edina, Minn.. (Photo #3739 by Paul Kosel)
Cheyenne Schaller, daughter of Steve and Julie Schaller, was named the 2013 Silver Skates Queen. (Photo #3748 by Paul Kosel)
The court pulls the sleigh with the new queen, Cheyenne Schaller, aboard. (Photo #3745 by Paul Kosel)