• Four petitions were turned in to refer the 2013 curb and gutter project to a city-wide election. Forty-nine signatures were required at around 52 were turned in. Mayor Roy Olson said that it would cost $650 to have a special election. He said, "I really think we should go as soon as we can. The sooner we can get this behind us, the sooner we can make certain plans." Eddy Opp turned in three petitions and Arlis Kluess turned in one petition. • Terry Herron, public works superintendent, presented his 2013 chip seal project that is estimated at $92,000. February 19 is the bid opening date. This area has not been done since 2011. • "Do you want to bid it or do you want to consider doing it yourself," Mayor Roy Olson asked the council about the garbage hauling. "Especially after the fiasco we had at the end of December." "The garage insurance rate is one of the highest in work comp costs," said City Finance Officer Anita Lowary. She also said that Groton has one of the cheapest garbage rates in the state. "Most are $11, $12, $15. We're charging $9.75." Olson said he was surprised that they don't have some sort of mutual aid (Continued on page 3)