(Continued from page 9)
proval following a second reading. The policy changes effect the grade reductions for middle school and high school students with excessive and unexcused absences and suspensions/expulsions. The policy will be retroactive to the first semester. • Joey Padfield was hired as a school custodian for 40 hours per week at $10 per hour with a start date of January 3, 2013. • The date and time was set for the annual school board election. The election is set for April 9, 2013 with voting precincts in Andover, Bristol, Columbia and Groton. Three members have their terms expiring: Dorene Nelson, Steve Schaller and Lars Hanson. Anyone wishing to run for a spot on the school board may pick up a petition from the school business office after January 25. All petitions need to be filed by February 22. • Schwan reported that in the weeks prior to the Christmas break, the middle/high school students participated in a coin drive. The drive was initiated by the Groton Chamber to help with funds for the BAGs program. The Chamber would match whatever funds were raised. The day before the drive ended, the Chamber proposed changing the beneficiary of the funds to the Adam Franken Family. Franken's new born baby daughter was hospitalized in Sioux Falls in the NICU following delivery. She is still there. The students raised $296.32 in one day, which will be matched by the Chamber. • Schuster presented each of the board members with a certificate of appreciation for donating their time for the betterment of Groton students as part of School Board Appreciation Week.
• -Char Telkamp