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ate arguments about whether their kids should ever return to the site of the tragedy. • "I have two children who had everything taken from them," said Audrey Bart, whose children attend the school but weren't injured in the shooting. "The Sandy Hook Elementary School is their school. It is not the world's school. It is not Newtown's school. We cannot pretend it never happened, but I am not prepared to ask my children to run and hide. You can't take away their school." • But fellow Sandy Hook parent Stephanie Carson said she can't imagine ever sending her son back to the building where 20 first-graders and six educators died. • "I know there are children who were there who want to go back," Carson said. "But the reality is, I've been to the new school where the kids are now, and we have to be so careful just walking through the halls. They are still so scared." • ___
Suspects to appear at Indian gang rape hearing to shift to 'fast track' court
• NEW DELHI (AP) -- Defense lawyers say the cases of five men charged in the fatal gang rape of a young woman on a moving New Delhi bus are expected to be shifted to a fast track court. • A hearing on whether to move the cases was to be held Monday. It had been set for last week but was rescheduled when it turned out that the official list of charges was not completely legible. • Five men have been charged with the Dec. 16 attack on the young woman, who died later in a Singapore hospital. They could face the death penalty if convicted. A sixth suspect, who says he is 17 years old, is likely to be tried in a juvenile court if medical tests confirm he is a minor. • ___
Red-hot stars, delicate pink ladies, sexy sirens make lasting Globes impressions
• With all the pressure to strike the right style note at the Golden Globes -- the kickoff to Hollywood's award season -- Claire Danes had one more: a post-baby body. • "I am very strapped into this dress. It's Versace and they are masters of illusions," she said after her win Sunday for best actress in a TV drama. She wore a plunging red dress just a month after giving birth to her son. • Danes was one of many sirens in red on the red carpet, including Zooey (Continued on page 30)