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now chief of staff at Rounds' Fischer-Rounds and Associates real estate and insurance firm. Skjonsberg also is an official member of the Rounds for Senate campaign team. • South Dakota Democrats are riled by the appointment, and we feel rightly so.
Democratic Party Chairman Ben Nesselhuf said Skjonsberg's appointment appears to be an effort to help the Rounds campaign, because those who benefit from state development loans could feel pressure to contribute to Rounds' Senate run. • We understand the chess match that accompanies all politics, even here in South Dakota. We also realize that political parties cry foul all the time, about all kinds of things real and imagined. • But in this case, we side with Nesselhuf. • We can only assume everything is on the level, since Daugaard, Rounds and Skjonberg all have solid records in public service. But why would the governor choose to open this can of worms?
• Because of his relationship with what will be a red-hot Senate campaign, every decision Skjonsberg makes could be interpreted as political gamesmanship. No public board -- and especially not a public board with such fiduciary power -- should be so encumbered by the appearance of a conflict of interest. • Skjonsberg has the resume. And while we make no accusations that he will abuse his new power, we also know that the state Board of Economic Development is no place for an active political operative. •
AP News in Brief Mali official says Islamists being driven out of Konna, as French forces launch operations
• BAMAKO, Mali (AP) -- Islamist militants have been driven out of Konna, a city the extremists captured earlier this week, as French forces have launched military operations in north Mali, a Mali military official said Saturday. • Lt. Col. Diarran Kone said the military does not yet control the city of Konna and are still searching for any hidden Islamist extremist elements there. • "The Islamists have been chased out of the city of Konna. We are doing sweeps of the city to find any hidden Islamist extremist elements," said Lt. Col. Kone. "The full recover of the city is too early to determine as we do not yet control the city, and we remain vigilant." • Sanda Abu Mohammed, spokesman for Islamist group Ansar Dine, told The As (Continued on page 29)