angle. Within this triangle of stars, hidden in between the many bright and glittering stars and constellations visible at this time of year, there's a constellation that's as elusive in our night sky as its namesake is in countless fairy tales. • This is the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn. You will need a very dark sky to see it. • Like all of the night sky, the region of the heavens around Monoceros holds interest. The winter Milky Way runs through here, so it's a good place to scan with binoculars. • With binoculars, you can see star clusters here. Those with dark skies might try drawing an imaginary line from the star Sirius to Procyon. About a third of the way along this line, you'll find a hazy object - an open star cluster - called M50. This object needs a telescope to show it clearly. But it's wonderful to contemplate this cluster of stars on a winter night. There are really about 100 stars in the little patch we know as M50. The main part of the cluster is about 10 light-years across. The entire cluster is located some 3,000 light-years from us. (M50 image from The Munich Astro Archive) • So treat yourself to a visit with a mythical beast - Monoceros the Unicorn - in the winter sky. See it now, before the waxing moon takes the darkness out of the evening night sky! •