Tuesday, January 8, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 173 • 6 of 29 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 5)
• Olson took another roll call vote on the project, but this time, it came down to a tie with Hamilton, Opp and Brett Anderson voting no. Olson cast the deciding vote in going ahead with the next phase of the project. That would entail a public hearing sometime in March. • Bids were opened for crush gravel with Krueger Brothers coming in at $16.50 per yard while Hanlon Brothers was $17 per yard. The council accepted the low bid. • Lowary reported on the one-call that was made last week in reference to the change in date of the garage pickup. She said the one-call reached 859 phones with the message being delivered to 832 of them. Of those, 572 were delivered to someone actually answering the phone while 260 went to answering machines.
Pictured are Elementary Principal Dan Dalchow, Robert Snyder, Superintendent Laura Schuster and David Larson. They were on hand for the Safe Route to School project. (Photo by Paul Kosel)
• A clarification in the dual fuel/Geo rate was made with the qualifier of requiring 10KW of electric as backup being eliminated. As long as there is a fossil fuel backup, a lower rate will apply. • The city received a $2,000 grant from the Heartland Consumers Power District. It will be used to help with the engineering fees for the city-wide conversion to a new
voltage. • The council decided that they need to meet with the county commissioners on the road east of Railroad Avenue going from the city