Monday,  January 7, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 171 • 5 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

death tax would have reverted to a $1 million exemption and 55 percent tax rate on any assets above that, which would have ensnared more than 70 percent of South Dakota's crop producers. The fiscal cliff legislation I supported made permanent the $5 million death tax exemption so that more family farms and businesses can stay in the family. I will continue to work with others in Congress to permanently repeal the death tax. There were other important parts of the bill that was passed, including a temporary extension of the Farm Bill.
Even with the glimmers of good in the bill, this deal doesn't even begin to touch the real problem our nation is facing:  spending. South Dakotans have heard the numbers repeated over and over again: $16 trillion debt; $1 trillion annual deficits; $50,000 owed by every child in America. In my short time in Washington, I have already voted for trillions in spending cuts
and I will not stop fighting tooth-and-nail to force Washington to live within its means.
The people of South Dakota know what's at stake if we fail to address our spending crisis
. I will continue to stand up for South Dakotans every step of the way and fight for responsible spending cuts that will secure America's future. And I encourage South Dakotans to make their voices heard in this as well. Because we don't just need leadership, we deserve it. For the sake of our children and for love of our country, we must rein in the out-of-control spending that threatens the way of life we all hold dear.
Rep. Kristi Noem is South Dakota's lone U.S. Representative, elected in November 2010. She serves on the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees.

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