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lore, Orion and the Scorpion are archenemies, so the gods made sure to keep them at opposite ends of the sky. • Meanwhile enjoy Orion, the star Sirius and M41 on these cold winter evenings. There are over 100 of the so-called Messier objects or M-objects known today. Today's amateur astronomers consider them among the most prized objects to be viewed through binoculars and small telescopes. Here's a list of M-objects. Advanced amateurs can observe them all and can earn a Messier certificate from the Astronomical League. • Bottom line: No matter where you are on Earth, look for the sky's brightest star, Sirius, in the month of January. If your sky is dark enough, notice the faint fuzzy object near the bright star Sirius. This object is called M41, and it's a distant cluster of stars.