(Continued from page 4)
• 132: Brook Anderson won by forfeit over Wesley York, Marion/Freeman; he scored a major decision over Adonis Roml, Howard, 9-0; and in the championship match, he lost by a major decision to Jakob Weisbrod, Clark/Willow Lake, 17-2. • 138: Jeric Albrecht pinned Michael Cremer, Marion/Freeman, 1:18; he was decisioned by Alex Marsh, Ipswich, 3-2, and he was decisioned by Jaxson Brueggman, Miller/Highmore-Harrold, 5-2. • 145: Parker Kroll lost by a major decision to Riley Potter, Faulkton, 15-4; he pinned Eli Westendorf, Sioux Valley, 2:48; and he lost by a major decision to Kevin Schuelke, Clark/Willow Lake, 9-0. • 152: Sheldon Herr was pinned by Kent Hall, Faulkton, 1:36; and he was pinned by Hayden Hall, Sioux Valley, 0:30.
(Continued on page 6)