Tuesday,  December 25, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 159 • 21 of 37 •  Other Editions

News from the

Website, smartphone app offer snowmobile maps

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- A new interactive South Dakota snowmobile trail system map is available for both the Web and smartphones.
• The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department says the map shows trail conditions and pinpoints businesses, restrooms and parking areas along the trail system.
• State snowmobile trail coordinator Tony Schmitt says snowmobilers will eventually be able to view pictures as well.
• The interactive trail map is available on GF&P's website (http://gfp.sd.gov/to-do/snowmobile/map.aspx) and the department's mobile apps for Android and Apple devices.
• Trail condition updates are also posted to Twitter accounts dedicated to both the Black Hills and the East River trails ((at)SDsnowBHills and (at)SDsnowEast).

Sheriff: Man in Marion standoff arrested

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A man who led multiple law enforcement agencies on a high-speed, three-county chase before holing up in his grandmother's southeastern South Dakota home was taken into custody Monday night, a sheriff said.
• Turner County Sheriff Byron Nogelmeier said the 32-year-old suspect was arrested at the Marion home and transported to the state penitentiary in Sioux Falls, according to the Argus Leader. SWAT officers shot pepper spray into the house before capturing him, the newspaper reported.
• "It was a long day of negotiations and sooner or later, you have to do something," Nogelmeier said. "Obviously, things changed once he released the hostages and he was in the house alone."
• The man had allowed his grandmother to leave the home Monday morning, but he kept a 15-year-old female relative with him for more than seven hours -- until about 4:30 p.m. The teen was released unharmed.
• The suspect had told officers he was armed, but it wasn't immediately clear if a weapon was found at the scene or what charges he could face.
• The drama began around 8 p.m. Sunday in Sioux Falls when members of the Division of Criminal Investigations tried to pull over the man on suspicion he ab

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