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• Perhaps no tradition is more important than celebrating the season of giving by remembering those who are less fortunate. I am always amazed by the generosity of South Dakotans, and I know that in difficult times those in need can count on others for support during the Christmas season. Not all South Dakotas have the means to make financial donations to those in need, but many South Dakotans will choose to donate their time and talents, offering a helpful hand to a neighbor in need, organizing food drives, and providing a warm meal and gifts to less-fortunate children. • We also think about those families who have loved ones serving in the military around the globe who will be apart this Christmas. The strength of the family members who celebrate traditions while praying for the safety of loved ones in harm's way reminds us all of how fortunate we are to be together this time of year. • As you continue to celebrate your Christmas traditions this season, Kimberley and I would like to wish all of those traveling this season safe journeys and a very Merry Christmas. May God continue to bless South Dakota and our great nation.
• It's hard to believe Christmas is already around the corner. While kids are more concerned with laying out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, parents are busy trying to get that last-minute gift for a friend or relative. So as stores fill with
last-minute shoppers and Christmas tree farms begin to seem picked over, it's also a good time to remember the spirit of the holiday season. • Every Christmas morning, I ring a bell to signal the start of our Christmas morning celebration. Even if Kassidy, Kennedy and Booker are awake before the bell rings, they have to wait in anticipation until they hear the bell. It's traditions like this that make the holidays so special to me.
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