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which brings together 16 small communities across 30 counties in northeastern South Dakota. The effort combines online recruitment efforts so that a business or entrepreneur looking to relocate can find information about the whole region in one place (www.sdprairiegateway.org). • Faulk County representatives are pleased with their website, which is part of the S.D. Prairie Gateway network. • "(It is) one means by which we can reach a wider audience, improve communication, and spread the word about the opportunities available in Faulkton and Faulk County," said Joel Price, chair of the Faulkton Area Economic Development Corporation. • The groups involved in this effort, plus several other economic development organizations, meet quarterly at a regional economic development meeting to hear speakers address issues relevant to their communities. They also each take a turn sharing notes on what is working and what is not in their communities, often asking for or sharing advice. The group is convened by Grow South Dakota. • • Teamwork • The examples of regional development in the Dakotas suggest that it's a model that works well here. Amundson said he sees the rural nature of Dakota communities as an advantage in regional partnerships. • "People and communities here have a true collaborative spirit and work well together for the benefit and betterment of (a region's) citizens and businesses," Amundson said.
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