(Continued from page 31)
The musician's foundation issued a statement saying that he had suffered upper respiratory and heart problems and had undergone heart-valve replacement surgery last week. • Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also confirmed Shankar's death and called him a "national treasure." • Labeled "the godfather of world music" by Harrison, Shankar helped millions of classical, jazz and rock lovers discover the centuries-old traditions of Indian music. • ___
As fiscal cliff deadline nears, Obama aims to balance public pressure on GOP and private talks
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Playing both sides, President Barack Obama is trying to balance his public pressure campaign on Republicans over the looming "fiscal cliff" with his private negotiations with GOP leaders. • The White House is loath to abandon the two-pronged strategy even as the Dec. 31 deadline nears. Obama's advisers see the carrot-and-stick approach as key to winning concessions from Republicans on taxes and reaching a deal to avert the series of year-end tax hikes and spending cuts. • But Obama's campaign to rally public support for his fiscal cliff positions has irked some Republicans. And continuing to publicly lambaste GOP lawmakers as obstructionists for not giving in to White House demands that tax rates rise on the top 2 percent of income earners could undercut trust between Obama and Republicans in their private talks. • For now, the White House says it plans to continue on both tracks. Asked whether the president would be more focused on his public efforts or private talks, White House spokesman Jay Carney said "both." • "We will continue to engage with leaders on Capitol Hill, we will continue to engage with a broader coalition of people who have a stake in this, and that includes ordinary Americans out in the country," Carney said. • ___
Why US economy could likely withstand a brief fall off the 'fiscal cliff' next year
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's the scenario that's been spooking employers and investors and slowing the U.S. economy: • Congress and the White House fail to strike a budget deal by New Year's Day. (Continued on page 33)