Claremont Recorder by Beverly Patterson
• I sort of look at the days that led up to Saturday like Christmas presents from Mother Nature! It sure has been nice but I think we all knew the snowing and blowing would eventually find us. Now, the way I see it, we're in it until Spring rolls around. I'm not a huge fan of winter but once a person adjusts to all the extra clothing required and all the extra work involved moving the snow out of your way, it's almost as nice as spring, summer, and fall….well sort of…..not really……ok, not even close! I have had a mishap or two due to winter weather and there is one in particular I remember quite well. A few years ago I was inspecting a rural mail route in February. We had to schedule it in advance and in the winter there is no way of knowing what the weather will be like on any given day and that day started out quite nice but the wind picked up which caused ground blizzard conditions. Roads that were open the previous day were blocking up and towards the middle of the route the carrier got so tired of turning around deviating from his original route that he saw a rather large drift up ahead and said, "Bev, hold on, we're going to blast through this one!" Seconds later the car was no longer in motion. The high speed crash into the drift caused the car to swerve so we were sitting across the road now, very stuck and somewhat amused if only for a fraction of a second. The snow was up to the windows so getting out wasn't an option. The carrier sat quietly for a moment, rubbed his head and said, "bad idea." We were eventually rescued by the county plow and ended up getting stuck just once more before our adventure came to an end. The way I see it, neither of us were injured, the job was accomplished and I have even more reasons to believe there are angels among us each and every day! I have also witnessed some incredibly beautiful times during the winter when the wind wasn't blowing and the temps were hovering above 25 degrees. I love how the fresh snow