(Continued from page 3)
• • K-12 education would receive a 3 percent ongoing increase • • The Board of Regents would receive an ongoing 3.2 percent increase • • The four technical institutes would receive a 3 percent ongoing increase • • Medicaid providers would receive an ongoing 3 percent increase • • State employees would receive a 3 percent ongoing increase • Gov. Daugaard's FY2014 budget proposal, totaling $4.112 billion, would use general tax revenues of $1.323 billion, $1.699 billion in federal funds, and $1.090 billion of other state revenue sources. • "My proposed budget heeds the principles to which I have been true to every year: Ongoing revenue pays for ongoing expenses, one-time funds pay for one-time expenses, and reserve funds are used only for emergencies," the Governor said. •