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Shovel and Grain Cart Award, Nick Wegleitner; GPS Award, Jr Patterson; 3 Wheel Sprayer Award and Don Wegleitner receiving several awards but the most prestigious was the Golden Wheel of Fortune Award. If you'd like more information on these awards or the noteworthy performance from these employees be sure to ask any of them, just make sure you have an extra hour or two for all the details. • Marie Patterson made a trip to Britton on Saturday afternoon, December 1st to do a little shopping at some of her favorite stores and then stopped in to visit with her brother and sister in law, Jerome and Leona Ness. Jerome had recently returned home from Rochester after sustaining injuries in a car accident near the end of November. Marie was delighted to see how well Jerome was doing and they had a very nice time catching up. Marie and Jerome have such a close relationship and seem to be there for each other no matter what. It brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart to see her so happy after their visit. • Yvonne Gibbs was a guest of Tom and Merlene Dunlavy Saturday night for a performance of The Community Living Christmas Tree in Aberdeen. Spencer Dunlavy was a member of the children's chorus. It was a beautiful production. • Lucille Kostel, sister to Joyce Wegleitner, arrived in Langford for a visit recently. She was able to be here for Thanksgiving and now plans to stay for a few weeks. Joyce is recuperating from a recent surgery so having Lucille with her will certainly help her to heal that much faster. Having a sister is such a blessing, and you'd know this for sure if you ever see these two sisters together. They have such an incredible bond and just being in their presence warms my heart. • Santa will be visiting Claremont on Saturday December 8th at 3pm at the legion hall so be sure to mark your calendar as he would love to see you! The craft show will be going on starting at 10am and going until 4pm as well. On Sunday evening plan to enjoy a free will soup supper and musical program. This Evening of Christmas gets underway at 6pm. Everyone is welcome! • It's time, once again, to end this column. I've barely started shopping so no wrapping is done, the cards are still waiting, no decorations are hung, but Christmas will get here, the same as before, and I sure hope you like what you get from the Hickory Farms Store! Email me at btschudar@yahoo.com or call me at 605-294-6272 days or 605-294-5874 evenings and let me know what's happening at your house! Until next time! •