• • Personal Finance - Mrs. Tietz • Personal Finance students began the semester in a unit focused on their values, needs and wants. They also have spent a lot of time writing financial and educational goals for themselves, as they will soon be experiencing life on their own soon. They have also explored the financial life cycle, spending plans, budgeting for life events, and savings and investing . We are currently studying the housing and the benefits of renting vs. buying, how to locate and secure a place to live, and how this fits into your budget. • • FCCLA - Mrs. Tietz • "Project Eat Right" is the theme chosen for the 2012-2013 FCCLA year! The"Kiss the Pig" contest for Homecoming Coronation was held in the elementary school and at the high school. Homecoming candidates, Erica Schuster and Lincoln Lane were chosen to kiss the pig at coronation. Ms. Deiter, 1st grade teacher, was the lucky elementary teacher that was chosen by students to kiss the pig at the Blue Ribbon Assembly held on Homecoming. The kids loved seeing her kiss the little pig and oh how he squealed! Also for Homecoming, the students organized a float for the parade and sponsored the Duck Pond at the Homecoming Carnival. In October, we held our annual Fruit, Meat, & Cheese fundraiser and FCCLA held its first "Kids Cooking Class" where we invited students from the OST program to come learn about the kitchen, eating healthy, and they made a strawberry ghost. On November 12, FCCLA sponsored a community food drive, inviting other school organizations to help and all students to attend. The students gather over 90 grocery bags full of food to distribute throughout our community. Thank you to all who donated food! We have our District FCCLA meeting in Clark coming up in December. FCCLAers will take their Illustrated Talks to present and earn the ability to advance to the state meeting in April. • •
December Calendar of Events
• Saturday, December 1 • Honor Band at NSU • State Oral Interp at Yankton • Birthdays: Darrel Hendrickson • Ahmad Shabazz Jr • Kevin Raap • 10:00am: JHGBB Jamboree in Groton • 10:00am: WR at Clark/Willow Lake