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accuracy by the end of the quarter. • • FACS I - Mrs. Tietz • Students in FACS I have begun the year with a unit entitled Project Take Charge. The students have explored values and morals, goal-setting, decision-making, problem-solving and their family connections to these life skills. They also completed a career exploration unit in which they completed a "mock" job application and interview, created a cover letter and resume, and were able to go on a job shadowing experience. Students are currently working on their Illustrated Talks in which they will using to compete at the District 1 FCCLA Meeting in December. • • FACS II - Mrs. Tietz • Food Preservation is the unit the FACS II students have kicked the year off with. We began by reviewing kitchen safety and sanitation, kitchen equipment and terminology. We spent time learning about food preservation and experienced it hands-on. We then moved on to our meats unit where they learned about and prepared beef, pork, poultry, and fish. Currently, the students are beginning the baking section of the unit where they will explore quick breads, yeast breads, pies, and pastry making. • • FACS IV - Mrs. Tietz • Entrepreneurship is the basis for FACS IV. The students dipped into the meaning of entrepreneurship with lots of classroom discussion, as well as conducting an interview with an entrepreneur. Refinishing wooden furniture being an entrepreneurial opportunity, students completed a project that was then displayed at the last home volleyball game and the Snow Queen contest. They have each brought in a piece of furniture they have choose to refinish along with all of the supplies needed to complete this large project. The students are worked very hard and each have a beautiful piece of furniture to take home with them to be proud of, along with a new skill that could someday be transferred to an entrepreneurial opportunity for them. We are now in a healthy eating unit where the students have kept a three day food journal and inputted all of the food they ate into an online food tracker known as "Super Tracker", found on www.choosemyplate.gov. The students then a generate a report that will tell them where their diet is lacking and where it is not. They will then track their food intake a second time and show improvement in their diets. To finish up the semester the students will do seasonal baking, including pies, cookies, and a gingerbread house.
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