Monday,  December 03, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 138 • 8 of 34 •  Other Editions

The Millions of Jobs Supported by Rural America

• Every day I am reminded of the many ways in which the work of rural America impacts all of us. Rural America provides us with a clean environment, opportunities to get outdoors, greater energy security, and a safe and abundant food supply that's the envy of the world. From our smallest towns to our biggest cities, work ongoing today in rural America has a tremendously positive effect for the United States.
• Perhaps most important, rural America is driving job growth across our nation.
• Last year, the agriculture sector and its related industries directly provided more than 16 million American jobs, the highest number since 2008. Many of these jobs are in rural America - while other agriculture-related jobs, from food manufacturing to textile work, are supporting millions of families in our cities.
• The productivity of our agriculture industry also allows America to remain food secure, while exporting more goods around the world and supporting jobs here at

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