• The beauty of a rainbow after the dark clouds of a thunderstorm is a reminder of God's love, grace and mercy. But it takes rain and sunshine to bring the brilliant colors to life. Endless clouds and constant rain would be depressing and the sun shining by itself would scorch the earth but together they are a beautiful combination that reminds us of His promises. • We know that the love, grace and mercy of God are at work in our lives when, after a siege of grief, discouragement or suffering we sense God's presence and peace more than we ever did. We realize, perhaps, in a more important way, that God is at work in everything - not random or isolated events that seem disconnected. And, moreover, He's at work for our good. • Perhaps we need to remind ourselves that what happens is not always good. But, His Word states that it is for the good of those who love Him. God will bring us closer to His will and the plan that He has for us in every experience that He brings into our lives. Nothing, absolutely nothing, ever happens to us by mistake. Either God is in control of our lives or He is not. Either He is a sovereign God or a God Who cannot be trusted. • Notice that He is not working to make us happy or wealthy or popular. But He is working through His Holy Spirit to conform or shape us into the image, the likeness of His Son. What more can we ask? • Prayer: We struggle - even resist - Lord, those times when we feel our lives are dominated by pain or loneliness. May we remember, however, that You are at work in our lives and for our Good because we love and trust You. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. • •