Tuesday,  November 27, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 132 • 2 of 39 •  Other Editions

School board looking at three new projects

• Groton School Board members learned of three new possible projects during the Monday school board meeting. Interest has been expressed to the school about doing a paper recycling project, a new scoreboard and a joint digital sign.
• Groton Superintendent Laura Schuster said she has been asked about starting a paper recycling program at the school. There are currently programs in Aberdeen and Webster that use the program as fundraisers. She has contacted the company that does the programs and is waiting to get more information. There have been programs in the past at the school, but they lacked a place for the paper to go, so paper just piled up.
• Schuster also reported that interest has been shown in sponsorships of a new scoreboard for the football/track field. She has asked Brian Schuring, the Athletic Director, to put together some specifications for the new board. Once those plans are done, the board will have a better idea of the size and number of sponsorship that would be needed. It is estimated that the cost of a new scoreboard could run up to $75,000.
• The school has also been approached by the Groton Chamber of Commerce about a joint effort to purchase a new electronic/digital sign to go along US Highway 12 to help inform the community about events happening in town. The estimated cost of the project is expected to run about $30,000 -35,000. This cost would then be split four ways, with the school, City of Groton, the Chamber and private entities.

More information is needed, as to the placement of the sign and ease of programming, before a final decision will be made. The school will also need to look at the financing before committing.
• In other business, the board recognized and congratulated Anne Zoellner for completing her National Board Certification. This is a major ac

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