• A visitor from Wisconsin was traveling through the rural roads of Georgia and noticed a fruit stand with a sign reading, "FRESH PEACHES." Having heard of the large, sweet, juicy peaches of Georgia, he decided to stop and purchase a small basket to take on his journey. • Approaching the fruit stand he said to the farmer, "My goodness, these peaches are really small." • "Yep," replied the farmer with a nod. • "Well, I'll take some anyway," said the traveler. • A few moments later the traveler returned. He approached the farmer once again, this time looking angry. "These peaches are not only small," he said sternly, "but they are hard and tasteless!" • "Well," said the farmer quietly, "you ought to be thankful you didn't buy a bushel full!" • "No matter what happens," Paul wrote, "always be thankful, for this is God's will for you when you belong to Christ Jesus." • Far too often our thankfulness seems to depend on the circumstances in our lives. When "good" things happen, we rejoice - sometimes not even pausing to thank God. When "bad" things happen we complain and blame God. • Paul precedes "thankfulness" with a challenge to "be joyful" and to "keep praying." And that's the key: If we are always joyful and in constant prayer, we will see God at work in our lives and "be thankful" for His gifts. • Prayer: Help us, Father, to realize the importance of expressing our gratitude for all of Your gifts. May we learn to look beyond the immediate to Your eternal plan. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. •