Wolken, White engaged
• Alana Wolken and David White are pleased to announce their upcoming wedding on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in Omaha, Neb. Their parents are Fred and Elaine Wolken of Piedmont, and John and Carol White of Omaha, Neb. • The bride-to-be graduated from Groton Area High School in 2005 and the University of South Dakota in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in English Education. She is currently attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities for a Master's degree in Higher Education. • The groom-to-be graduated from Millard, Neb.,
West High School in 2004. He graduated from the University of South Dakota in 2008 with a Bachelor's degree in English Education and in 2010 with a Master's degree in Communication. He is currently working at the family business, John White Painting, doing residential/commercial painting. • The couple will reside in Omaha, Neb.
4-H Implements DNA Sampling for All Market Animals to exhibit at South Dakota State Fair
• Brookings, S.D. -Beginning with the 2012 - 2013 4-H program year, South Dakota 4-H is implementing a DNA sample process for all Market Animals intended for 4-H Division competitions at the South Dakota State Fair, says Rod Geppert, SDSU Extension 4-H Livestock Show Management Coordinator. • "This is a critical requirement that will be implemented during the upcoming 4-HGreen Tag and Weigh-In events in your area," Geppert said. • Geppert explains that this new requirement has been added to ensure the integrity of the SD 4-H Livestock Program. • "We realize that this is an additional cost for 4-H families and may cause some financial burden; however, several surrounding states have gone to this process and we must make this change to ensure the integrity of the SD 4-H Livestock Program," he said. • Market Animals without a DNA sample on file will be rejected from entering 4-H Division competitions at the South State Fair, regardless of the youth's ribbon plac (Continued on page 10)