holidays. Can a week go by without some holiday that shuts down everybody? • I celebrated Veteran's Day, for example, on Sunday and the next day I went to the bank and discovered the bank was celebrating Veteran's Day on Monday. Don't they know what day it is? I trust these people with my money? • Of all the holidays we have, Thanksgiving is high on my list. I used to have a high regard for my birthday but so many of them have come that I do not like them anymore. I am ready to cancel that holiday. My birthday only means I am one year older and not one whit wiser. • I am not thinking just about the scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner. Okay, maybe I am, a little. Down through the years, I have been great fraternity buddies with eating. We have bonded so great throughout the years that even now that bonding is beginning to show. • I like Thanksgiving, and so I am a little confused about these Sanity Challenged Buffoons who are allergic to the word "Thanksgiving." They want to use names like, "Turkey Day," and the latest one "T-Day." What the "T" stands for is anybody's guess. I know what "D-Day" stands for but all the gray matter has leaked out of my skull trying to figure out what "T-Day" stands for. • Given the rationality of these purveyors of insanity, I can only guess. • Looking at what is happening to this great holiday, I have uncovered a con so (Continued on page 4)