Sunday,  November 18, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 123 • 17 of 30 •  Other Editions


• Mary Jo was unable to attend school because of her mumps. Realizing how uncomfortable she was, her mother wanted her to forget her pain and think of something pleasant. After reading a story from the Bible, her Mom said, "What shall we thank Jesus for this morning?"
• "My mumps!" came the quick reply.
• "Your mumps? Why thank God for your mumps?" wondered her mother.
• "Because now He can heal me," Mary Jo said confidently.
• Every problem we encounter, every fear we face, every pain we have and every obstacle that comes into our lives provides an opportunity for God to show His power. It does not matter what it is, where it came from or how long we think it will last, we have His Word that His power will eventually deliver us and set us free.
• Paul said, "How we thank God who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord!" What a loving God we have. Here Paul wants us to express our gratitude to a God Who gives us victory over sin and death. It does not say that He might or could or would if we never disobey Him. No, indeed not. It says He gives - and there are no strings attached.
• Here is our God - standing with outstretched arms, open hands and listening ears ready to respond to our every need. He is worthy of our thanks and praise.
Prayer: We take great comfort, Lord, knowing that whatever concerns us concerned You first. We thank You for giving us victory over sin and life everlasting. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: 1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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